Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

epididymis (par) ♂

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema genitale masculinum ♂ Short Extended
Level 2 organa genitalia masculina interna ♂ Short Extended
Current level epididymis (par) ♂ Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
18255 3298 tax
epididymis (par) ♂
epididymis (pair) ♂
18259 3299 tax
caput epididymidis (par) ♂
head of epididymis (pair) ♂
19333 3300 tax
lobuli epididymidis (par) ♂ ; coni epididymidis (par) ♂
lobules of epididymis (pair) ♂ ; conical lobules of epididymis (pair) ♂
18260 3301 tax
corpus epididymidis (par) ♂
body of epididymis (pair) ♂
18261 3302 tax
cauda epididymidis (par) ♂
tail of epididymis (pair) ♂
18297 3303 tax
ductus epididymidis (par) ♂
duct of epididymis (pair) ♂
74056 3304 tax
ductuli aberrantes epididymidis (par) ♂
aberrant ductules of epididymis (pair) ♂
74057 3305 tax
(ductulus aberrans superior (par) ♂ )
(superior aberrant ductule (pair) ♂ )
74058 3306 tax
(ductulus aberrans inferior (par) ♂ )
(inferior aberrant ductule (pair) ♂ )
19846 3307 tax
appendix testis (par) ♂
appendix of testis (pair) ♂
18268 3308 tax
(appendix epididymidis (par) ♂ )
(appendix of epididymis (pair) ♂)
16424 tax
layers of epididymis (pair) ♂
12 lines
75.0 %
58.3 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 3298
Sublist 1 16424 laminae epididymidis 17/6 on 27.6.2024
Subtotals subchildren 17 subunits 6
Proper children 33
Number of children 50 (validated)
Proper units 11
Number of units 17 (validated)
Signature 1090 (validated since 27.6.2024)
Date: 27.06.2024